Adult Learning Forum (ALF)

The Adult Learning Forum (ALF) is a longstanding DVV partner (since 2001). ALF supports networking and advocacy and plays a leading in the adult education sector. Many ALF members are based within Community Learning Centres (CLCs) and the ALF represents the interests of the sector through its engagement with national and provincial structures of the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET). Working closely with other DVV partners, ALF has been central in tracking policy processes. The ALF has played a leading role in vehicles like the Learning Cape Initiative (LCI) and has been key in provincial adult education boards in the Western Cape Province. The organisation continuously engages the Post School Education and Training (PSET) policy framework and strategies to advance the interests of “second chance” youth and adult learners and community adult education at large. It uses campaigns such as the Adult Learners Week (ALW) and Youth Month in South Africa as key periods to bring the spotlight on the challenges and opportunities in the sector while promoting needs of adult educators.

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