New Projects in Mozambique
DVV International supports and supplements the action of Government and the work of NGOs by focussing on alternative models of learning, on professionalisation of the voluntary and full-time personnel and on advocacy for youth and adult education. Different approaches respond to educational poverty in rural areas, inclusion of specific target groups, concerns of food security and nutrition and youth unemployment.
Support for the piloting and spread of innovative and participatory methodologies in rural and peri-urban communities include REFLECT, Family Literacy, bilingual Literacy, women’s empowerment, and inclusive courses. Examples of alternative models of service delivery in literacy: - Promotion of rural women: a needs based programme was developed, it became known under the name of FELITAMO. It contributes to better use of opportunities of women for income generation and food production.
This model has been integrated in the national curriculum for adult education. - Integrated model: this approach aims at taking basic vocational skills needed in fishery, agriculture, horticulture into account. - Inclusive adult education, together with partners DVV International developed a practice of inclusive courses to allow handicapped people participating and thus overcoming their discrimination.
In families, communities and society at large this model has contributed to a sensitisation about and recognition of the hitherto practiced discrimination.Inclusivity will now also be promoted in the forthcoming national strategy of literacy. With the aim of professionalisation, the piloting of a new national curriculum for the training of adult educators and the training of civil society organisations in participatory methodologies was and remains a key intervention of DVV International.
On the level of policy dialogue and advocacy, DVV International is well placed as member of the working group of youth & adult education advising the National Directorate of Adult Education (DNAEA) in the Ministry of Education and Human Development.We continue to advocate the recognition of adult literacy and education as a national priority. Through the national network ‘Education for All’ (MEPT) we support the lobbying for the inclusion of adult education on the education agenda in all regions of the country; and in favour of dialogue between government and civil society on adult education.