
Ministry of Education and Human Development (MINEDH)

The National Directorate of Literacy and Adult Education (DINAEA) is a division within the Ministry of Education and Human Development with the mission of defining policies and strategies for the education of youth and adults and ensuring their implementation in partnership with different stakeholders. The implementation of ALE policies and strategies is the responsibility of the entire ALE Sub-Sector, governmental and non-governmental. At the local level, it is carried out through the Provincial Directorates of Education and Human Development (DPEDH) and District Services for Youth Technology and Education (SDEJT) in partnership with non-governmental organizations (NGOs), faith-based organisations (FBOs) and other civil society organisations (CSOs). DVV International is a long-term partner of the Ministry offering support and expertise on areas including national policies, strategies, curricula, training and trainers.


MONALPO (Movimento Nacional de Luta contra a Pobreza – The National Anti-Poverty Movement)

MONALPO is a member-run organization which was founded in 2003. MONALPO's structure includes a headquarters in Maputo, which works with provincial delegations developing various programs according to local needs. MONALPO's priority is the Defence of Human Rights. They are engaged in education, health, training for self-employment, mediation of community conflicts, as well as assistance for people of all ages, especially for the elderly, orphaned and vulnerable children, people living with HIV/AIDS, and people with disabilities. In short, everything that constitutes a right for a human being. The mission of MONALPO is to work for the defence of the rights of the disadvantaged throughout the country in order to achieve a lasting improvement in the quality of life of its members. MONALPO has being implementing the DVV International Integrated Literacy Program since 2014 in Maputo Province, which integrates literacy and numeracy acquisition into the everyday lives and livelihoods of participants. The Integrated Programme has been adapted and contextualised for different communities of practice (e.g. smallholder farmers, fishermen, etc.). The programme employs a modular approach comprising fourteen units, while also borrowing participatory elements from REFLECT. As a result of an approach and curriculum that is integrally linked with the everyday lives of the participants, the programme enjoys a much higher retention rate than traditional literacy programmes. The approach has now been adopted by the Ministry of Education and Human Development.


ACD – Associação Comunitária para o Desenvolvimento (Community Association for Development) 

ACD emerged towards the end of the Inclusive Adult Education programme which DVV International implemented in Maputo and Sofala provinces, with financial support from the European Union and BMZ. One of the major achievements of the project was that after it closed the community called upon the local education department to continue with literacy classes in the area, even though they were aware that they would not receive the same level of support that had been received under the DVV International project. In response, three former literacy supervisors of the project worked with the community to start a local development organization which they named Community Development Association (ACD – Associaçao de Desenvolvimento Comunitario) In 2016, this organization received support from the local education department to provide materials and payment of volunteers for the literacy centres, while ACD members provided technical support. ACD implemented two other community development initiatives in the areas of health and small-scale farming supported by the Portuguese Cooperation. The health component focuses on supporting families to build latrines, while the agricultural component centres on the production of vegetables using locally available resources. DVV International has been working with ACD since 2017. The main objective is to build on the gains of the Inclusive Adult Education Programme by using the existing resources that were provided by the project, especially the human resources, and to implement the Integrated Programme in the areas of agriculture and small business.

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