Overview of DVV International Projects in Malawi

DVV International began working in Malawi in the final quarter of 2017 with a mapping study for the ALE sector in the country. The project’s focus is on the three intervention levels – macro, meso and micro, which are interwoven conceptually and in terms of implementation. Micro-level refers to the local level or direct target group, where best practices in ALE are supported and promoted. The meso-level is the level of organizations, institutions and networks that are to be strengthened in their capacities. The macro-level is the national system, where the long-term benefits of the work takes effect, such as improvement of the political, legal and budgetary framework conditions.

Which programs and interventions is DVV implementing in Malawi?

Following the System Building Approach for Adult Learning and Education (ALESBA) and the key principle of the framework of the SDGs “leave nobody behind”, DVV International works in the subsequent strategic areas:

1. Policy and Strategic Planning

Under the auspices of the Ministry of Gender, Community Development and Social Welfare, DVV International provided technical and financial support towards the development of the National Adult Literacy and Education Policy and the National Adult Literacy and Education Strategic Plan (2022-2027). Both have been approved by the Malawi Government in 2020 and 2022 respectively. We are contributing to implement the policy and the strategy with the collaboration of various partners across the sectors and the districts and to mobilize resources for ALE.

2. Communication, Exchange and Advocacy for ALE

  • Together with the Malawi Chapter of the Media Institute of Southern Africa, DVV International promotes media attention for ALE-related subjects. This includes media training and a yearly award on best practices.
  • DVV International provides MOJA, www.mojaafrica.netwhich is an interactive online resource for ALE professionals and practitioners in the public and private sectors, civil society and academia in Africa. Register to access information and training opportunities on ALE and contribute and upload your own experience and be member of the African ALE community.
  • DVV International is an active member of the national ALE Thematic Group.

3. Adult Learning and Education Management Information System 

DVV International supports an Adult Learning and Education Management Information System. This is being piloted in the districts of Mchinji, Lilongwe and Ntcheu. 

4. Training of adult educators 

The skills of teachers and instructors are developed in districts and higher learning institutions such as the Catholic University of Malawi (CUNIMA).

 5. Integrated Adult Education (IAE) 

  • Together with the national and local authorities, DVV International applies integrated approaches of ALE in the districts of Mchinji and Ntcheu.
  • DVV International facilitates access to opportunities for lifelong learning for specific target groups such as youths and adults with disabilities and to prisoners.

6. Community Learning Centres (CLC) – ALE in your neighborhood

      In pilot institutions in Dowa and Ntchisi districts, DVV International, the Ministry, the District Administrations an        Community Initiatives combine services from functional literacy to vocational and business skills.

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