DVV International is pleased to announce that it has a new Director for its Regional Office for Southern Africa. With effect from December 2022, Mr Gerhard Quincke has taken over the Regional Office, which is based in Lilongwe from Mr David Harrington who has been assigned a new position within DVV International outside Malawi.
Before joining the Regional Office for Southern Africa, Mr Quincke previously held the position of Desk Officer for several African regions for 4 years at DVV International’s Headquarters at Bonn in Germany. He also held the position of the Regional Director DVV International for West Africa based in Bamako/Mali for 4,5 years; and 4 years as Regional Director DVV International for East Africa/Horn of Africa based in Addis Ababa/Ethiopia. He has great prior exposure in areas of non-formal vocational education and training, micro and small enterprise development and a couple of cross cutting fields.
Mr Quincke joins the Regional Office for Southern Africa in Malawi at a time the DVV International rolls out its new three year phase of programme implementation on the whole continent with a new continental platform for information, exchange and learning on adult learning and education (ALE). .
“It’s a pleasure to be back in Africa after working in Mali and Ethiopia some years ago. I look forward to working with the Malawi Government as the main partner and all other Non-Governmental Organisations that are pushing hard to promote ALE in Malawi. As Malawi implements the Vision 2063, it is important that we join hands and mainstream ALE across all key development interventions such as agriculture, health and environment,” says Mr Quincke.
DVV International officially launched its operations in Malawi in December, 2017. Its work is financed by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).