Popular Education Programme (PEP)

PEP was established in 2011 and became an independent Non-Profit Organisation (NPO) in 2014. Their popular education approach builds on traditions of ‘people’s education’, social movement support and education that leads to action for transformation. PEP works mainly in the Western Cape, but also offers workshops and courses in other provinces. The programme has three pillars: Popular Education Schools (PES) with a focus on local community-level education and mobilisation.

The Popular Education Development (PED) approach seeks to develop adult education practitioners and organisations while the Popular Education Practitioner Circles (PEPCs) are provincial and national dialogues for further learning between more experienced popular education activists and academics. PEP is currently DVV’s lead partner organisation and works closely with a range of community organisations that want to integrate popular education into their practice.  Popular education workshops, practitioner dialogues and the training of trainers continue to find interest by a range of social movement organisations.

PEP also uses community theatre as a popular education tool and focuses on women’s health promotion to address physical and mental health and the abuse of women. A strong youth focus develops youth and youth leaders using a range of techniques and education approaches, including eco-pedagogy in the context of high levels of violence and trauma in townships.

PEP is DVVs partner in educator development in the new Community College system that seeks to advance the newly developed PSET policy framework for the country.


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